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Bioscientifica Proceedings (2019) 7 RDRRDR2 | DOI: 10.1530/biosciprocs.7.002

REDR2010 Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII Ruminant Genomes (2 abstracts)

Genomic tools for characterizing monogenic and polygenic traits in ruminants - using the bovine as an example

JF Taylor , RH Chapple , JE Decker , SJ Gregg , JW Kim , SD McKay , HR Ramey , MM Rolf , TM Taxis & RD Schnabel

S135B Animal Sciences Research Center, University of Missouri. Columbia, USA 65211

Next generation sequencing platforms have democratized genome sequencing. Large genome centers are no longer required to produce genome sequences costing millions. A few lanes of paired-end sequence on an lllumina Genome Analyzer, costing <$10,000, will produce more sequence than generated only a few years ago to produce the human and cow assemblies. The de novo assembly of large numbers of short reads into a high-quality whole-genome sequence is now technically feasible and will allow the whole genome sequencing and assembly of a broad spectrum of ruminant species. Next-generation sequencing instruments are also proving very useful for transcriptome or resequencing projects in which the entire RNA population produced by a tissue, or the entire genomes of individual animals are sequenced, and the produced reads are aligned to a reference assembly. We have used this strategy to examine gene expression differences in tissues from cattle differing in feed efficiency, to perform genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism discovery for the construction of ultrahigh-density genotyping assays, and in combination with genome-wide association analysis, for the identification of mutations responsible for Mendelian diseases. The new 800K SNP bovine genotyping assays possess the resolution to map trait associations to the locations of individual genes and the 45 million polymorphisms identified in >180X genome sequence coverage on over 200 animals can be queried to identify the polymorphisms present within positional candidate genes. These new tools should rapidly allow the identification of genes and mutations underlying variation in cattle production and reproductive traits.

© 2010 Society for Reproduction and Fertility

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