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Bioscientifica Proceedings (2020) 13 CPRCPR9 | DOI: 10.1530/biosciprocs.13.009

CPR1989 Control of Pig Reproduction III Semen Quality and Function (2 abstracts)

Physiological role of seminal components in the reproductivetract of the female pig

R. Claus

Universität Hohenheim, Inititut für Tierhaltung und Tierzüchtung—470. P.O.B.700562, 7000 Stuttgart 70, West Germany

Summary. In many species the appearance of oestrus is sufficient to ensure that the time of ejaculation, sperm transport and capacitation are balanced with the time of ovulation. In the pig these phenomena vary considerably and require additional regulatory mechanisms which are partly explained by seminal components.

Boar semen is rich in oestrogens (up to 11.5 μg/ejaculate). Infusion of saline with the addition of oestrogens in physiological amounts increased the myometrial contraction frequency up to 2.5-fold. This effect is explained by a release of PGF-2α immediately after oestrogen infusion. Such an infusion also raises peripheral oestrogen concentrations and an effect on LH release can be demonstrated. Additionally, PGF- 2α is measurable in uterine vein plasma after oestrogen infusion and is transferred into the follicular fluid. The effect of oestrogens on LH and follicular PGF-2α is likely to contribute to the timing of ovulation in response to mating.

A specific protein of Mr 100 000-110 000 has been detected in boar seminal plasma and it exerts a strong immunosuppressive effect. This protein may be involved in a protection of spermatozoa but also of early embryos against female immunological attack. The addition of such specific compounds to AI doses, in which seminal plasma is diluted, may improve prolificacy.

Keywords: semen; oestrogens; myometrium; ovulation; immunosuppression; prostaglandins; pig

© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd

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