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Bioscientifica Proceedings (2020) 12 CPRCPR15 | DOI: 10.1530/biosciprocs.12.0015

Animal Science Department, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, OK 74078, U.S. A. and Animal Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 3261), U.S.A .

Summary. Exposure of male and female pigs to elevated ambient temperatures can result in reduced reproductive efficiency. When boars and gilts are exposed to heat stress, respiratory rates increase to enhance evaporative cooling because minimal sweating occurs.

During early pregnancy, gilts are especially susceptible to heat stress. Decreased conception rates and reduced litter size occur when gilts are exposed to elevated ambient temperature during Days 0 to 16 after mating. Concentrations of progesterone in peripheral plasma were reduced during Days 13-19 after mating and luteal function was extended to Day 25 in heat-stressed gilts that did not conceive. Increased concentrations of oestradiol during Day 10 to 12 of heat stress may interfere with normal maternal recognition of pregnancy. Heat stress reduced the amount of embryonic tissue present at Day 16 of pregnancy but the protein synthetic activity of the tissue was not altered. Thus some embryos may be lost and a reduction in litter size may occur. The production of oestrogen by the conceptus and uterus is not altered on Day 16, after exposure to heat stress for the previous 8 days. These studies suggest that heat stress during early pregnancy can alter the reproductive endocrine system, especially the control of luteal function. In addition, heat stress may have a direct effect on embryo or conceptus development.

Exposure of boars to elevated ambient temperatures causes reductions in semen quality, sperm output and fertility. About 5 weeks are required for boars to recover from the detrimental effects of heat stress and to produce semen with potential for maximal fertility. Increased temperature has an inhibitory effect on spermatid maturation and on testicular androgen biosynthesis. Improvements in reproductive performance can be achieved by increasing evaporative cooling of boars.

© 1985 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd

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