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bp0008rdr34 | Applied Reproductive Technology: Up-date | REDR2014

Evolution in fixed-time: from synchronization of ovulation to improved fertility

Binelli Mario , Sartori Roberto , Vasconcelos José Luiz Moraes , Monteiro Pedro Leopoldo Jerônimo , Pereira Marcos Henrique Colombo , Ramos Roney S

Summary. Synchronization of ovulation and subsequent timed artificial insemination became a popular practice in modern, large scale, dairy and beef commercial operations. Popularity was because it became a serious option to eliminate a laborious and low efficiency activity in the industry: checking cows for heat. Synchronization protocols involve the sequential administration of reproductive hormones to manipulate the estrous cycle to provide a fertile oocyte ...

bp0004rdr12 | Comparative Reproductive Function: Implications for Management | REDR1998

Reproduction in water buffalo: comparative aspects and implications for management

Oswin Perera BMA

The domestic buffalo occupies an important niche in many ecologically disadvantaged agricultural systems, providing milk, meat and draught power. Although buffalo can adapt to harsh environments and live on low quality forage, their reproductive efficiency is often compromised by such conditions. Climatic stress depresses ovarian cyclicity, oestrous expression and conception rates. Poor nutrition, usually related to seasonal fluctuations in availability and quality of feed, de...

bp0013cpr10 | Ovarian Function | CPR1989

The synthesis and actions of steroids and prostaglandins during follicular maturation in the pig

Ainsworth L. , Tsangt B. K. , Downey B. R. , Marcus G. J.

Summary. Our understanding of the synthesis and production of follicular steroids and prostaglandins (PG) in the pig is based largely on in-vitro studies with granulosa and theca interna tissues obtained from Graafian follicles at various stages of maturation. As the follicle enlarges before the LH surge, granulosa cells exhibit a decrease in FSH receptors and are less responsive to FSH in terms of cAMP production. Concurrently, there is an increase in gr...

bp0003rdr29 | Regulation of Gonadal Function | REDR1994

Dynamics of molecular mechanisms underlying ovarian oxytocin secretion

Stormshak F , Orwig KE , Bertrand JE

In the ruminant ovary, synthesis and secretion of oxytocin begin in the granulosa cells of the preovulatory follicle and are markedly stimulated by the surge of LH and FSH. Luteinization of the granulosa cells results in a further increase in oxytocin gene expression, but translation ol mRNA appears to be retarded because the peak concentration of luteal oxytocin occurs later than the maximal accumulation of the message. Several hormones have been shown to stimulate oxytocin s...

bp0003rdr27 | Regulation of Gonadal Function | REDR1994

Immunological manipulation of ovulation rate for twinning in cattle

Hillard MA , Wilkins JF , Cummins LJ , Bindon BM , Tsonis CG , Findlay JK , O’Shea T

Unlike in sheep, in which immunization against androstenedione causes mild and reasonably controlled increased ovulation rate, in similar studies cattle showed highly variable responses ranging from increased ovulation rate and fertility through to anovulation/anoestrus or superovulation. As a consequence, interest in manipulation of ovulation rate through this approach has declined and is now focused on immunological manipulation of endogenous inhibin following successful stu...