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bp0018cpr1 | Physiological Roles of The Boar Ejaculate | CPR2009

The physiological roles of the boar ejaculate

Rodriguez-Martinez H. , Kvist U. , Saravia F. , Wallgren M. , Johannissono A. , Sanz L. , Pena F.J. , Martinez E.A. , Roca J. , Vazquez J.M. , Calvete J.J.

During ejaculation in the boar, sperm cohorts emitted in epididymal cauda fluid are sequentially exposed and resuspended in different mixtures of accessory sex gland secretion. This paper reviews the relevance of such unevenly composed fractions of seminal plasma (SP) in vivo on sperm transport and sperm function and how this knowledge could benefit boar semen processing for artificial insemination (Al). The firstly ejaculated spermatozoa (first 10 ml of the spe...

bp0003rdr19 | Regulation of Gonadotrophin Secretion | REDR1994

The preovulatory gonadotrophin-releasing hormone surge: a neuroendocrine signal for ovulation

Caraty A , Evans NP , Fabre-Nys CJ , Karsch FJ

Recent studies have demonstrated that an important component of the positive feedback response to oestradiol in mammals is an action within the central nervous system to induce a large surge in the secretion of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This oestradiol-induced neuroendocrine signal for ovulation has been best characterized in ewes. The GnRH surge is high in amplitude; the amount secreted increases on average more than 40 times above the pre-surge baseline value. ...

bp0003rdr31 | Environmental and Metabolic Interactions | REDR1994

Involvement of thyroid hormones in seasonal reproduction

Karsch FJ , Dahl GE , Hachigian TM , Thrun LA

This article reviews experiments performed to investigate the importance of thyroid hormones to the expression of the seasonal reproductive cycle of ewes. Thyroidectomy was found to block the transition from the breeding season to anoestrus and to cause ewes to exhibit oestrous cycles all year round. Mechanistically, thyroidectomy produced this effect by preventing the seasonal increase in responsiveness to the negative feedback action of oestradiol on episodic GnRH secretion,...

bp0005rdr20 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Stress and the control of LH secretion in the ewe

Smith RF , Ghuman SPS , Evans NP , Karsch FJ , Dobson H

Stress influences the activity of the reproductive system at several sites. One of the most significant effects is at level of the GnRH secretory system to reduce GnRH pulsatility and thus LH pulsatility. This in turn reduces the oestradiol signal that stimulates the GnRH–LH surge in the follicular phase. Three sequential phases have been identified in the induction of the GnRH–LH surge by oestradiol: (i) activation, (ii) transmission and (iii) surge secretion. There...

bp0017cpr10 | (1) | CPR2005

Maternal recognition of pregnancy signal or endocrine disruptor: The two faces of oestrogen during establishment of pregnancy in the pig

Geisert R.D. , Ross J.W. , Ashworth J.W. , White F.J. , Johnson G.A. , DeSilva U.

Timing of conceptus growth and attachment to the uterine luminal epithelium is regulated by progesterone secretion from the corpus luteum and by expression of progesterone receptor in the uterine epithelia and stroma. Conceptus growth and uterine attachment are temporally associated with the disappearance of progesterone receptors from uterine epithelia. While the loss of progesterone receptor from the endometrial epithelia on day 10 of the oestrous cycle and pregnancy h...