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bp0006rdr18 | Yak and Camelid Reproduction | REDR2006

The challenges and progress in the management of reproduction in yaks


This paper deals with the progress in the management of reproduction in domestic yaks, including female reproductive biology, male reproductive biology and the main reproductive technologies in both female and male yaks. Further studies and actions with some immediate measures are also recommended.© 2007 Society for Reproduction and Fertility...

bp0007rdr2 | Ruminant Genomes | REDR2010

Genomic tools for characterizing monogenic and polygenic traits in ruminants - using the bovine as an example

Taylor JF , Chapple RH , Decker JE , Gregg SJ , Kim JW , McKay SD , Ramey HR , Rolf MM , Taxis TM , Schnabel RD

Next generation sequencing platforms have democratized genome sequencing. Large genome centers are no longer required to produce genome sequences costing millions. A few lanes of paired-end sequence on an lllumina Genome Analyzer, costing <$10,000, will produce more sequence than generated only a few years ago to produce the human and cow assemblies. The de novo assembly of large numbers of short reads into a high-quality whole-genome sequence is now technical...