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bp0005rdr17 | Ovary-Uterus-Embryo Interactions | REDR2002

Follicle growth, corpus luteum function and their effects on embryo development in postpartum dairy cows

Wathes DC , Taylor VJ , Cheng Z , Mann GE

Absent or irregular ovarian cycles in lactating dairy cows are caused by failure to ovulate the dominant follicle at the appropriate time. The follicle then either regresses or develops into a cyst. This process can be triggered by a variety of metabolic and disease factors that act at the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to inhibit pulsatile LH secretion and the LH surge, and at the ovary to reduce follicular growth and oestradiol production. Cows of poor energy status have l...

bp0006rdr22 | Embryo Gene Expression | REDR2006

Gene expression analysis of single preimplantation bovine embryos and the consequence for developmental potential

Ruddock-D'Cruz NT , Hall VJ , Tecirlioglu RT , French AJ

Preimplantation embryo development typically involves sequential morphological events connecting embryonic cleavage, morula compaction and blastocyst formation, and occurs in parallel with transcriptional regulation, specifically, the maternal to embryonic transition. The underlying homeostatic and metabolic mechanisms governing embryo development are influenced by both genetic and epigenetic factors that respond to environmental stimuli and may impact development during later...

bp0005rdr12 | Pre-natal Programming of Lifetime Productivity and Health | REDR2002

Gene expression in the developing embryo and fetus

Taylor J , Fairburn H , Beaujean N , Meehan R , Young L

Determining the stage- and tissue-specific patterns of gene expression shown by the embryo and fetus will provide information about the control of normal development. Identification of alterations in these patterns associated with specific abnormal phenotypes will also be informative regarding the underlying molecular mechanisms. In addition, qualitative and quantitative changes in gene expression that deviate from the norm may provide a potential marker system for predicting ...

bp0005rdr22 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Sexually differentiated regulation of GnRH release by gonadal steroid hormones in sheep

Robinson JE , Birch RA , Grindrod JAE , Taylor JA , Unsworth WP

Exposure of Ihe sheep fetus to testosterone from day 30 to day 90 of a 147 day gestation causes the neurones that control GnRH secretion, the GnRH neuronal network, to become organized in a sex-specific manner. After androgen exposure in utero, GnRH neurones are activated in a sexually differentiated pattern by gonadal steroid hormones. Specifically, follicular phase concentrations of oestrogen trigger a GnRH 'surge' in ewes, but not in rams or females treated...

bp0007rdr2 | Ruminant Genomes | REDR2010

Genomic tools for characterizing monogenic and polygenic traits in ruminants - using the bovine as an example

Taylor JF , Chapple RH , Decker JE , Gregg SJ , Kim JW , McKay SD , Ramey HR , Rolf MM , Taxis TM , Schnabel RD

Next generation sequencing platforms have democratized genome sequencing. Large genome centers are no longer required to produce genome sequences costing millions. A few lanes of paired-end sequence on an lllumina Genome Analyzer, costing <$10,000, will produce more sequence than generated only a few years ago to produce the human and cow assemblies. The de novo assembly of large numbers of short reads into a high-quality whole-genome sequence is now technical...