Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0017cpr21 | (1) | CPR2005

Deciphering the pig genome to understand gamete production

Rohrer G.A. , Wise T.H. , Ford J.J.

The field of livestock genomics has made considerable advances in the past decade. In the area of pig reproduction, a number of genome scans have identified several genomic regions associated with variation in reproductive measures ranging from ovulation rate, litter size and testis size. Additionally, several candidate genes have been associated with variation in litter size. These studies primarily focused on developing genetic markers to facilitate selection decisions...

bp0017cpr8 | (1) | CPR2005

Genetic variation in sperm production

Ford J.J. , McCoard S.A. , Wise T.H. , Lunstrau T.H. , Rohrer G.A.

In boars, the primary determinant of daily sperm production is the number of Sertoli cells, which establishes testicular weight. The only breed comparison of foetal testicular development in boars contrasted two diverse breeds, White composite (WC, Landrace-Yorkshire) with Meishan, a Chinese breed that undergoes pubertal development at a young age and has small testicular size. During the prenatal period, the pattern of change in testicular development is similar in thes...

bp0015cpr13 | Boar Fertility and Semen Preservation | CPR1997

Physiology of the Meishan boar

Lunstral D. D. , Ford J. J. , Klindt J. , Wise T. H.

Onset of puberty (sperm production) occurs at a much younger age (56-84 days) in Meishans than in conventional boars (120-180 days). Throughout postnatal development, Meishans exhibit markedly higher (two- to ten-fold) concentrations of serurn FSH, LH and androgens compared with conventional boars, and these high hormone concentrations are maintained at maturity. Increased gonadotrophin concentrations occur only in Meishan males, since concentrations in female Meishans a...

bp0015cpr12 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Embryonic and fetal development in different genotypes in pigs

Ford S.P. , ,

It is widely accepted that uterine capacity, not ovulation rate, is the greatest restraint on litter size in pigs. Recently, the reproductive strategy(s) of the Chinese Meishan pig, a breed which farrows three to five more piglets per litter than US or European pig breeds, has come under intense scrutiny. It was initially determined that the Meishan female could farrow more viable piglets per litter than US or European pig breeds, with a uterine size and ovulation rate eq...

bp0005rdr37 | Overview | REDR2002


Robinson JJ

Abstract unavailable© 2003 Society for Reproduction and Fertility...

bp0013cpr22 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Differentiation of sexual behaviour in pigs

Ford J. J. ,

Summary. Behaviour in pigs is sexually dimorphic as early as 1 month of age; mounting of penmates is observed more frequently for males than for females. This mounting reaches its highest frequency during the 2nd month of life and then declines to a low frequency in prepubertal pigs. During the prepubertal period (3-5 months of age), bipotentiality of sexual behaviour is apparent in boars because they will not only mount oestrous females but they are also...

bp0010ised8 | (1) | ISED2019

Embryonic diapause in the short-tailed fruit bat, Carollia perspicillata: why this is postimplantational

Rasweiler JJ , Badwaik NK

Pregnancy has been studied in Carollia perspicillata bred in captivity or collected from a reproductively-synchronized wild population on Trinidad, West Indies. In both situations, periods of postimplantational embryonic diapause were sometimes observed. In captivity, this was induced by stress, or once-weekly periods of food deprivation, and resulted in gestation periods of highly variable duration (105-237 days). The normal gestation period for this species is 113-1...

bp0003rdr47 | Short Communications | REDR1994

Prostaglandins and the maintenance of pregnancy in goats

Ford MM , Young IR , Thorburn GD

Abstract unavailable© 1995 Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd...

bp0006rdr26 | Fetal Development | REDR2006

Flock differences in the impact of maternal dietary restriction on offspring growth and glucose tolerance in female offspring

Burt BE , Hess BW , Nathanielsz PW , Ford SP

Variable impacts of in-utero programming stimuli on postnatal offspring development suggest that genotype may play a role in this response. In this study, ewes from two flocks of similar breeding but adapted for 6–8 generations to one of two markedly different production environments were utilized (Baggs ewes - nomadic lifestyle and limited nutrition; UW ewes - sedentary lifestyle and adequate nutrition). Ewes from each flock were fed 50% (nutrient restricted) or 100...

bp0012cpr6 | Development of The Embryo and its Role in Pregnancy | CPR1985

Effects of the ovary and conceptus on uterine blood flow in the pig

Ford S. P. , Stice S. L. ,

Summary. Changes in uterine blood flow throughout pregnancy appear to be due to steroid-induced alterations in uterine arterial tone and contractility. Arterial contractility is a transient reduction in luminal diameter in response to nerve stimulation or to an alpha-1 adrenergic agonist, leading to short-term reduction in uterine blood flow. Tone is the pressure exerted by an arterial segment against an intraluminal flow (distensibility) and is considere...