bp0019cpr10 | Recent Developments in Porcine AI & ET | CPR2013
Martinez Emilio A
, Gil1 Emilio A
, Cuello Cristina
, Sanchez-Osorio Jonatan
, Gomis Jesus G
, Parrilla Inmaculada
, Angel Miguel A
, Rodriguez-Martinez Heriberto
, Lucas Xiomara
, Vazquez Jose L
, Vazquez Juan M
, Roca Jordi
Embryo transfer (ET) should play a critical role in the pig industry because
it allows the movement and introduction of new genetic material into a
herd with minimal risk of disease transmission and reduced transportation
costs. In addition, embryo movement could prevent the potential health
and welfare problems associated with transporting live pigs. Although the
first successful ET was reported more than 60 years ago, the commercial
use of this procedure in pigs is sti...