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bp0001redr15 | (1) | REDR1980

Endocrine patterns of the post-partum cow

Lamming GE , Claire Wathes D , Peters AR

Summary. Milked dairy cows generally have a shorter post-partum interval to ovarian cyclicity than suckling dairy or beef cows. In milked and suckling cows, there is a strong seasonal influence with spring-calving cows remaining anoestrous longer. Increasing the suckling intensity further delays the onset of ovarian cyclicity, probably by increasing the frequency or strength of its inhibitory influence on hypothalamic activity. Plasma FSH levels rise in most c...

bp0003rdr5 | Maternal-Embryo Interactions | REDR1994

The oxytocin receptor, luteolysis and the maintenance of pregnancy

Wathes DC , Lamming GE

During luteal regression episodic pulses of oxytocin secretion become coupled to the release of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) following synthesis of endometrial oxytocin receptors, but in early pregnancy the inhibition of oxytocin receptor formation by the conceptus prevents the development of the pulsatile pattern of PGF2α release needed to achieve luteolysis. Oxytocin receptors are present on the luminal epithelium in ovariectomize...

bp0004rdr24 | Embryonic Survival | REDR1998

The regulation of interferon-τ production and uterine hormone receptors during early pregnancy

Mann GE , Lamming GE , Robinson RS , Wathes DC

During early pregnancy the bovine embryo must produce a protein called interferon τ which inhibits the development of the luteolytic mechanism. Failure to inhibit luteolysis is the major cause of pregnancy loss in cows. The embryo must produce sufficient quantities of interferon τ by about day 16 to prevent luteolysis. Its ability to achieve this is largely dependent on the pattern of maternal progesterone production. A late rise in progesterone after ovulation or po...

bp0005rdr17 | Ovary-Uterus-Embryo Interactions | REDR2002

Follicle growth, corpus luteum function and their effects on embryo development in postpartum dairy cows

Wathes DC , Taylor VJ , Cheng Z , Mann GE

Absent or irregular ovarian cycles in lactating dairy cows are caused by failure to ovulate the dominant follicle at the appropriate time. The follicle then either regresses or develops into a cyst. This process can be triggered by a variety of metabolic and disease factors that act at the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to inhibit pulsatile LH secretion and the LH surge, and at the ovary to reduce follicular growth and oestradiol production. Cows of poor energy status have l...

bp0008rdr21 | Oocyte and Follicle | REDR2014

Theca cells and the regulation of ovarian androgen production

Knight Phil G , Glister Claire

Summary. Theca cells are essential for female reproduction being the source of androgens that are precursors for follicular oestrogen synthesis and also signal through androgen receptors (AR) in the ovary and elsewhere. Theca cells arise from mesenchymal cells around the secondary follicle stage. Their recruitment, proliferation and cytodifferentiation are influenced, directly or indirectly, by paracrine signals from granulosa cells and oocyte although uncerta...

bp0009rdr8 | (1) | REDR1986

Luteal peptides and intercellular communication

Schams D.

Summary. The variety of peptides synthesized by the corpus luteum (relaxin, vasopressin, oxytocin and oxytocin-related neurophysin) and their possible intracellular effects are reviewed. After luteinization of the granulosa cells and in response to LH and FSH, the output of oxytocin is increased. In addition, insulin-like growth factor is a very potent stimulus of oxytocin secretion. Although luteal cells respond to gonadotrophins by increased production of pr...

bp0013cpr25 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Behavioural perspectives on piglet survival

Fraser D. , ,

Summary. Litters of domestic piglets show strong sibling competition. large differences among litter-mates in birth weight and rate of growth, and, in the absence of human intervention, a high mortality rate. This combination of traits suggests that pigs are using a reproductive strategy similar to that of certain bird species which produce one or more small 'spare' young whose death or survival is determined by sibling competition. Death through competit...

bp0015cpr8 | Factors Affecting Breeding Efficiency in The Pig | CPR1997

Effects of semen components on ovulation and fertilization

Waberski D. ,

In pigs, transcervical infusion of seminal plasma at the onset of oestrus advances ovulation and thus improves the chance of gametes meeting during their full fertilizing competence. An animal model that allows single uterine horn infusion was used in combination with transcutaneous sonographic monitoring of ovaries. Preparative surgery involved the detachment of one uterine horn from the corpus, leaving the caudal end open to the peritoneal cavity but sealing the corpus ...

bp0003rdr25 | Regulation of Gonadal Function | REDR1994

Growth factors and the control of folliculogenesis

Monget P , Monniaux D

There is increasing evidence that growth factors modulate folliculogenesis. However their precise role in the processes of follicular growth, differentiation and atresia is still unknown. Growth factors belong to complex systems, including all the factors structurally and functionally related, their receptor(s) and, in most cases, binding proteins or proteoglycans. In this review, the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is presented as a paradigm for the study of other gro...