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bp0015cpr17 | Advances in Biotechnology in Pig Reproduction | CPR1997

Developments in transgenictechniques in pigs

Nottle M. B. , Nagashima H. , Verma P. J. , Du Z. T. , Grupen Z. T. , Ashman Z. T. , Macilfatrick S.

Manipulation of the pig genome is currently restricted to the random insertion of new DNA using pronuclear microinjection. This method suffers from a number of inherent limitations, the majority of which result from the inability to control the site at which the transgene becomes integrated. These drawbacks, together with the need to be able to target existing genes, will result in the replacement of pronuclear injection by new methods that have the capability to direct i...

bp0013cpr7 | Nutrition-Metabolism-Reproduction Interactions | CPR1989

Metabolic influenceson hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian function in the pig

Booth P. J. ,

Keywords: pig; metabolism; hypothalamus; ovary; pituitary© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0012cpr10 | Genetic Factors Influencing Prolificacy | CPR1985

Effectiveness of genetic selection for prolificacy in pigs

Bichard M. , David P. J. ,

Summary. This paper attempts to summarize and discuss the new evidence on the effectiveness of selection for prolificacy. In recent years selection between lines, and the adoption of formal cross-breeding programmes, have led to considerable improvements at a commercial level. Within-line selection has not been tackled seriously except in a few experiments. The mainly negative results from these should not lead to the conclusion that progress is impossibl...

bp0008rdr28 | Placentation/Parturition | REDR2014

Steroidogenesis and the initiation of parturition

Conley Alan J , Reynolds Lawrence P

Overview. One of the most fundamental axioms of mammalian reproduction is that pregnancy requires the support of progesterone without which it cannot be established or maintained. Though this basic physiological tenet was accepted long ago, major gaps in our understanding of the physiology of both pregnancy and parturition remain which hamper our ability to solve clinically and agriculturally significant problems such as low fertility, fetal growth restriction...

bp0009rdr18 | Male Function and Spermatogenesis | REDR1986

Transgenic livestock

Simons J. P. , Land R. B.

Summary. Single genes can now be added routinely to the genome of mice by molecular manipulation as simple Mendelian dominants; this complements the normal process of reproduction to give ‘transgenic’ animals. Success in ruminants is limited to a few examples in sheep and although gene expression has yet to be documented, there is every reason to expect that it will be achieved. The application of this technology to livestock improvement depends on...

bp0013cpr24 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Mechanisms mediating the stimulatory effects of the boar on gilt reproductino

Hemsworth P. H. , Barnett J. L. ,

Summary. Behavioural responses can have direct effects on reproduction when the performance of the behaviour contributes to productivity (e.g. achievement of copulation). Alternatively, there are indirect effects where a behavioural change is insufficient to allow adaptation to an environmental change and so the animal has to resort to physiological mechanisms with potential adverse effects on productivity.Boar contact has substantial ...

bp0008rdr32 | Emerging Reproductive Technology | REDR2014

Inducing pluripotency in livestock somatic cells to enhance genome-editing opportunities

Liu Jun , Taheri-Ghahfarokhi Amir , Verma Paul John

Abstract. Although the manipulation of animal genomes has a history of more than three decades, there are only a few of the reported genetically modified (GM) animals that have passed safety regulations and found their way through to market. The production and safety regulations of GM livestock are hindered by a variety of issues, most importantly, lack of embryonic stem cells (ESC) in livestock species and concerns around the nature and biosafety of the genom...

bp0006rdr23 | Embryo Gene Expression | REDR2006

Gene expression in elongating and gastrulating embryos from ruminants

Hue I , Degrelle SA , Campion E , Renard J-P

In ruminants, more than 30% of the embryonic losses observed after artificial insemination (AI) have an early origin, coincident with a marked elongation of the trophoblast which occurs before implantation. Several observations provide clear evidence that early elongation of the conceptus relies on cell multiplication, cell growth and cell shape remodeling. Recent results indicating an intense multiplication of a non-fully differentiated trophoblast, which still expresses ...

bp0005rdr26 | Genes Controlling Reproductive Performance | REDR2002

Prolificacy genes in sheep: the French genetic programmes

Mulsant P , Lecerf F , Fabre S , Bodin L , Thimonier J , Monget P , Lanneluc I , Monniaux D , Teyssier J , Elsen J-M

It has been demonstrated that variations in litter size or ovulation rate in different breeds of sheep can be associated with the segregation of several major genes. This set of natural mutants constitutes a valuable resource to determine key points in the biochemical pathways controlling the development of ovarian follicles. The French genetic programmes were devised to identify two of these genes: the Booroola (FecB) and Lacaune genes. The FecB pro...