Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0012cpr4 | Development of The Embryo and its Role in Pregnancy | CPR1985

Effect of migration, distribution and spacing of pig embryos on pregnancy and fetal survival

Dziuk P. ,

Summary. Pig embryos enter the uterus from the oviduct about 48 h after ovulation at about the 4-cell stage. They remain near the tip of the uterine horn until about Day 6 when they migrate towards the body of the uterus. By Day 9 some embryos have entered the horn opposite the one of origin and continue migrating until Day 12. At Day 12 embryos can no longer successfully move to a different site. The critical signal for recognition of pregnancy occurs at...

bp0018cpr11 | State of The Art in-omic Biology of Swine | CPR2009

Proteomic analysis of mammalian gametes and sperm-oocyte interactions

Sutovsky P.

Proteomic analysis occupies an increasingly important place in gamete and embryo biology as an independent tool of discovery and as a means of follow-up to transcriptional profiling. Proteomics have been and will be increasingly helpful in many areas of reproductive biology, including applied science and technology development. Areas likely to be impacted most rapidly by proteomic knowledge include fertility evaluation in male farm animals, male infertility diagnostics i...

bp0006rdr13 | Reproductive Manangement | REDR2006

Socio-sexual signalling and gonadal function: Opportunities for reproductive management in domestic ruminants

Ungerfeld R

The aims of this review are to summarize the common biological basis of the responses to social stimulus in domestic ruminants and to consider the research still required in order to put this knowledge to practical use on the farm. The mechanisms involved in the stimulation of sheep and goat females, including both the expected ovarian and behavioural responses, are described. In most breeds, the male effect may be used effectively to induce ovulation during seasonal anoestrus...

bp0013cpr9 | Semen Quality and Function | CPR1989

Physiological role of seminal components in the reproductivetract of the female pig

Claus R. ,

Summary. In many species the appearance of oestrus is sufficient to ensure that the time of ejaculation, sperm transport and capacitation are balanced with the time of ovulation. In the pig these phenomena vary considerably and require additional regulatory mechanisms which are partly explained by seminal components.Boar semen is rich in oestrogens (up to 11.5 μg/ejaculate). Infusion of saline with the addition of oestrogens in ph...

bp0009rdr19 | Male Function and Spermatogenesis | REDR1986

Use of chimaeras to study development

Anderson G. B.

Abstract unavailable© 1987 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0014cpr6 | Culture and Manipulation of Pig Oocytes and Embryos | CPR1993

Manipulatingearly pig embryos

Niemann H. , Reichelt B. ,

On the basis of established surgical procedures for embryo recovery and transfer, the early pig embryo can be subjected to various manipulations aimed at a longterm preservation of genetic material, the generation of identical multiplets, the early determination of sex or the alteration of the genetic make-up. Most of these procedures are still at an experimental stage and despite recent considerable progress are far from practical application. Normal piglets have been ob...

bp0013cpr22 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Differentiation of sexual behaviour in pigs

Ford J. J. ,

Summary. Behaviour in pigs is sexually dimorphic as early as 1 month of age; mounting of penmates is observed more frequently for males than for females. This mounting reaches its highest frequency during the 2nd month of life and then declines to a low frequency in prepubertal pigs. During the prepubertal period (3-5 months of age), bipotentiality of sexual behaviour is apparent in boars because they will not only mount oestrous females but they are also...

bp0010ised7 | (1) | ISED2019

Identification of mink (Neovison vison) fecal proteins during embryonic diapause and placental pregnancy for non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in wildlife

Curry E , Easley JS , Wojtusik J , Roth TL

Currently, there is no method to diagnose pregnancy non-invasively in most wildlife species that experience delayed implantation and pseudopregnancy, either during embryonic diapause or placental pregnancy. The aim of this study was to utilize farm-raised mink (Neovison vison) as a model species to evaluate changes in the fecal proteome associated with pregnancy. Specific objectives were to: 1) determine if fecal peptides were differentially abundant in parturient ver...