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bp0010ised5 | (1) | ISED2019

Could embryonic diapause facilitate conservation of endangered species?

Wauters J , Jewgenow K , Goritz F , Hildebrandt TB

During embryonic diapause, the development of the embryo is paused shortly after conception by metabolic or seasonal factors. When conditions become favorable, the embryo will resume development after reactivation by the maternal reproductive system. Inducing this resting state in in vivo or in vitro manipulated embryos may offer invaluable advantages in the long-term storage of embryos, therefore offering a potential worthwhile and novel alternative in assisted reproduction c...

bp0010ised7 | (1) | ISED2019

Identification of mink (Neovison vison) fecal proteins during embryonic diapause and placental pregnancy for non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in wildlife

Curry E , Easley JS , Wojtusik J , Roth TL

Currently, there is no method to diagnose pregnancy non-invasively in most wildlife species that experience delayed implantation and pseudopregnancy, either during embryonic diapause or placental pregnancy. The aim of this study was to utilize farm-raised mink (Neovison vison) as a model species to evaluate changes in the fecal proteome associated with pregnancy. Specific objectives were to: 1) determine if fecal peptides were differentially abundant in parturient ver...

bp0010ised11 | (1) | ISED2019

Autophagy and multivesicular body formation in blastocysts during the experimental diapause in mice

Lim HJ , Shin H , Hyun Jun J , Song H

In experimentally induced diapause model in mice, blastocysts remain dormant for an extended period but resume implantation competency upon estrogen injection. The underlying mechanism by which extended longevity of dormant blastocysts is maintained is unclear. We have previously shown that dormant blastocysts, during experimentally induced diapause, exhibit heightened autophagic activation. Activation of autophagy appears to be a crucial adaptive response for survival in the ...

bp0013cpr14 | Gamete Physiology | CPR1989

Maturation of pig oocytes in vivo and in vitro

Moor R. M. , Mattiolit M. , Ding J. , Nagai T.

Keywords: oocyte; maturation; meiosis; differentiation; fertilization; pig© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0016cpr18 | Gestation and Parturition | CPR2001

Prenatal development as a predisposing factor for perinatal losses in pigs

van der Lende T. , Knol E. F. , Leenhouwers J. I.

The pig industry is confronted with substantial losses due to piglet mortality. With 3-8% stillbirths and generally > 10% preweaning mortality, approximately one fifth of al I fetuses formed fully at the end of gestation die before weaning. Most of these losses occur in the perinatal period. Overall prenatal development (birth weight) and specific prenatal developmental and maturational processes in late gestation are predisposing factors for perinatal losses. Birth weight ...

bp0018cpr36 | State-of-The Art in Conceptus-Uterus Interactions/Early Pregnancy Signaling | CPR2009

Antiluteolytic mechanisms and the establishment of pregnancy in the pig

Waclawik A. , Blitek A. , Kaczmarek M.M. , Kiewisz J. , Ziecik A.J.

Extended exposure of progesterone and conceptus estrogen influences the vascular compartment of the uterus and expression of many factors, such as prostaglandins (PGs), growth factors, extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules, cytokines and transcription factors. One of the supportive mechanisms by which the conceptus inhibits luteolysis is by changing PG synthesis in favor of luteoprotective PGE2. Alteration in PG synthesis may result from increased PGE synthase (mPG...

bp0006rdr21 | Embryo Technologies | REDR2006

Nuclear reprogramming by somatic cell nuclear transfer – the cattle story

Tian XC , Smith SL , Zhang SQ , Kubota C , Curchoe C , Xue F , Yang L , Du F , Sung L-Y , Yang X

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) returns a differentiated cell to a totipotent status; a process termed nuclear reprogramming. Nuclear transfer has potential applications in agriculture and biomedicine, but is limited by low efficiency. To understand the deficiencies of nuclear reprogramming, our research has focused on both candidate genes (imprinted and X-linked genes) and global gene expression patterns in cloned bovine embryos/offspring as compared to those generate...

bp0002rdr4 | Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy | REDR1990

Physiological mechanisms of pregnancy recognition in ruminants

Bazer FW , Thatcher WW , Hansen PJ , Mirando MA , Ott TL , Plante C

Summary. Maternal recognition of pregnancy in sheep, cattle and goats involves physiological mechanisms that result in protection of corpora lutea from luteolysis by modification or inhibition of uterine production of luteolytic pulses of prostaglandin (PG) F-2α. Ovine, bovine and caprine luteal cells release oxytocin in a pulsatile manner during late dioestrus. Oxytocin then binds to its endometrial receptors and initiates luteolytic pulses of PGF-2&#945...

bp0003rdr22 | Regulation of Gonadotrophin Secretion | REDR1994

Dopaminergic control of LH secretion by the Al5 nucleus in anoestrous ewes

Thiery JC , Gayrard V , Le Corre S , Viguié C , Martin GB , Chemineau P , Malpaux B

Annual variations in the secretion of LH are responsible for seasonal changes in ovulatory activity in ewes. This hormonal pattern reflects an increase in the intensity of the negative feedback exerted by oestradiol under long days. Neuro-pharmacological studies have shown that this inhibition of LH secretion involves activation of catecholaminergic systems from preoptic and mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) by oestradiol during anoestrus, and that 5-hydroxytryptamine inputs may a...