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bp0003rdr28 | Regulation of Gonadal Function | REDR1994

Involvement of immune cells in regulation of ovarian function

Pate JL

Primary cultures of luteal cells have been used to determine both acute and chronic effects of cytokines on luteal cell function and viability. Gonadotrophin-stimulated progesterone production is inhibited by interleukin 1β (IL-1β), tumour necrosis factor a (TNF-α), or gamma-interferon (IFN-γ), the last two cytokines being more effective than IL-I. In contrast, all three cytokines are potent stimulators of prostaglandin production by these cells. The mechan...

bp0004rdr23 | Embryonic Survival | REDR1998

IGF paracrine and autocrine interactions between conceptus and oviduct

Watson AJ , Westhusin ME , Winger QA

Development in vitro is influenced by embryo density, serum, somatic cell co-culture and the production of 'embryotrophic' paracrine and autocrine factors. Research in our laboratory has focussed principally on the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family We have demonstrated that pre-attachment bovine and ovine embryos express mRNAs encoding a number of growth factor ligand and receptor genes including all members of the IGF ligand and receptor family througho...

bp0005rdr15 | Pre-natal Programming of Lifetime Productivity and Health | REDR2002

Consequences of intra-uterine growth retardation for postnatal growth, metabolism and pathophysiology

Greenwood PL , Bell AW

Intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), caused by maternal undernutrition or placental insufficiency, is usually associated with disproportionately large reductions in the growth of some fetal organs and tissues (thymus, liver, spleen, thyroid) and impaired cellular development of other tissues (small intestine, secondary wool follicles, skeletal muscle). Growth of other tissues, most notably brain, is relatively unimpaired. In our recent study of postnatal consequences of IU...

bp0005rdr28 | Nutrition-Reproduction Interactions | REDR2002

Regulation of nutrient uptake and metabolism in pre-elongation ruminant embryos

Sinclair KD , Rooke JA , McEvoy TG

Our current understanding of pre-elongation embryo metabolism and its regulation by factors both intrinsic to the embryo and present in its immediate environment is limited mainly to studies in rodents and of ruminant embryos that have been cultured in vitro. Energy metabolism in such embryos is initially low and dependent on oxidative phosphorylation for the generation of ATP. The embryo exhibits substrate preference for carboxylic acids, such as pyruvate, during thi...

bp0005rdr18 | Ovary-Uterus-Embryo Interactions | REDR2002

Evolution of the interferon τ genes and their promoters, and maternal–trophoblast interactions in control of their expression

Roberts RM , Ezashi T , Rosenfeld CS , Ealy AD , Kubisch HM

It is well established that the interferon τ (IFN-τ) family of proteins play a major role in preventing the regression of the corpus luteum during early pregnancy in ruminants, such as cattle, sheep and goats, but not in other mammals. These interferons, which are structurally and functionally related to type I interferon, such as IFN-α and -ω, arose from a duplication of an IFN-ω gene approximately 36 million years ago. The IFN-τ genes have conti...

bp0005rdr20 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Stress and the control of LH secretion in the ewe

Smith RF , Ghuman SPS , Evans NP , Karsch FJ , Dobson H

Stress influences the activity of the reproductive system at several sites. One of the most significant effects is at level of the GnRH secretory system to reduce GnRH pulsatility and thus LH pulsatility. This in turn reduces the oestradiol signal that stimulates the GnRH–LH surge in the follicular phase. Three sequential phases have been identified in the induction of the GnRH–LH surge by oestradiol: (i) activation, (ii) transmission and (iii) surge secretion. There...

bp0007rdr8 | Assessing Gene Function in Ruminants | REDR2010

Putative role of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CARTPT) in dominant follicle selection in cattle

Smith GW , Sen A , Folger JK , Ireland JJ

The mechanisms regulating development of a single (dominant) follicle capable of ovulation during each follicular wave in cattle and atresia of remaining follicles (dominant follicle selection) are not well understood. FSH and IGF1 are known regulators of follicle growth and granulosa cell estradiol production during follicular waves. Recent evidence indicates cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CARTPT), with intraovarian expression only in single-ovulating ...

bp0008rdr27 | Placentation/Parturition | REDR2014

Evolution of placental structure and function in ruminants

Carter Anthony M

Summary. The defining feature of ruminant placentation is the fusion of binucleate trophoblast cells with uterine epithelium. It was present in the last common ancestor of ruminants and the fusion process is facilitated by the products of endogenous retroviral genes called syncytins. It provides a mechanism to transfer placental hormones to maternal tissues. One of these hormones is placental lactogen, which likewise was present in the ancestral ruminant. An i...

bp0009rdr9 | (1) | REDR1986

Spermatogenesis and Sertoli cell numbers and function in rams and bulls

Hochereau-de Reviers M. T. , Monet-Kuntz C. , Courot M.

Summary. The two main types of cellular associations (type I, 2 generations of spermatocytes + 1 of spermatids; type II, 1 of spermatocytes and 2 of spermatids) occupy, respectively, more than half and about a third of the seminiferous epithelium cycle in rams and bulls. However, the duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium and that of spermatogenesis differ between the species. A1 spermatogonia and Sertoli cell total numbers are highly ...

bp0013cpr20 | Early Pregnancy | CPR1989

Regulation of uterine and conceptus secretory activity in the pig

Simmen R. C. M. , Simment R. C. M. ,

Summary. Evidence is presented for the involvement of a number of specific uterineand conceptus-derived proteins in endometrial differentiation and conceptus or feml development. These secretory proteins include mitogens (insulin-like growth factor-I and -II, epidermal growth factor, uterine lumina] fluid mitogen). binding and transport proteins (uteroferrin, insulin-like growth factor and retinal binding proteins, respectively), protease inhibitors (anti...