Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0014cpr17 | Components of Prolificacy in Pigs | CPR1993

Genetic basis of prolificacy in Meishan pigs

Haley C. S. , Leel G. J.

Research in France and in the UK confirms the prolificacy of the Chinese Meishan breed to be about three to four piglets greater than that of control Large White females. Crossbreeding studies clearly indicate that this breed difference is due to genes acting in the dam and not in the litter itself. There is high heterosis for litter size in F1 Meishan x Large White crossbred females, such that their litter size is similar to or greater than that of purebred Me...

bp0015cpr9 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Role of uterine immune cells in early pregnancy in pigs

Engelhardt H. , City H. , King G. J.

The immune system discriminates 'self' from 'non-self', and eliminates that which it determines to be non-self. Mammalian pregnancy appears to represent a failure of self-non-self discrimination, yet it is a highly successful reproductive strategy. We present evidence that the immune system of the female pig responds to the challenges of both mating and the presence of conceptuses. Mating induces an influx of inflammatory leukocytes into the endometrial stroma and uterine...

bp0006rdr4 | Ovarian Function | REDR2006

Control of ovarian follicular development to the gonadotrophin-dependent phase: a 2006 perspective

McNatty KP , Smith P , Heath DA , Juengel IL

In sheep, as in other mammals, ovarian follicular growth is regulated mainly by intraovarian growth factors during early development with pituitary hormones increasingly important during the final phases to ovulation. Most follicles are present as primordial structures and these express many hundreds of genes that fulfil an array of housekeeping and signalling functions. Once growth has been initiated, at least two oocyte-derived growth factors, namely growth differentiation f...

bp0008rdr35 | Applied Reproductive Technology: Up-date | REDR2014

Biological and practical lessons associated with the use of sexed semen

de Graaf Simon P , Leahy Tamara , Vishwanath Ramakrishnan

Summary. Numerous biological and practical lessons associated with the use of sexed semen have been learnt in the 15 years since it was released onto the commercial market. Over this time, concerns regarding the safety of sex-sorted spermatozoa have been largely allayed through the birth of several million pre-sexed calves, but the major issue that remains is that of reduced fertility. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the process of flow cytometric sort...

bp0003rdr7 | Maternal-Embryo Interactions | REDR1994

The growth hormone/prolactin gene family in ruminant placentae

Anthony RV , Liang R , Kayl EP , Pratt SL

Ruminant placentae produce at least two distinct subclasses of the growth hormone/prolactin gene family, the placental lactogens and prolactin-related proteins. Placental lactogens have been purified from cattle, goat and sheep placentae, and the amino acid sequences of bovine and ovine placental lactogen are known. Bovine and ovine placental lactogens are structurally more similar to prolactin than they are to growth hormone. In addition, six unique mRNAs have been described ...

bp0004rdr17 | The Corpus Luteum | REDR1998

Intraovarian regulation of luteolysis

Meidan R , Milvae RA , Weiss S , Levy N , Friedman A

The corpus luteum is a transient gland, which is only functional for 17–18 days in the cyclic cow or for up to 200 days in the pregnant cow. Regression of the corpus luteum is essential for normal cyclicity as it allows the development of a new ovulatory follicle, whereas prevention of luteolysis is necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy. Evidence acquired over the past three decades indicated that PGF2α is the luteolytic hormone in ruminants. Neverthe...

bp0007rdr26 | Critical Issues Facing Global Ruminant Production | REDR2010

Physiological differences and implications to reproductive management of Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle in a tropical environment

Sartori R , Bastos MR , BaruselIi PS , Gimenes LU , Ereno RL

In the current review the main fundamental biological differences in reproductive function between Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle are discussed. Breed differences regarding puberty, estrous cycle patterns, estrous behavior, acquisition of ovulatory capacity, ovarian structures and reproductive hormones are presented. The main physiological differences that Bos indicus cattle present relative to Bos taurus cattle include: delayed age at pu...

bp0014cpr12 | Conceptus-Uterine Interactions in Pigs | CPR1993

Embryo–uterineinteractions in pigs during week 2 of pregnancy

Roberts R. M. , Xiel S. , Trout W. E. ,

The second week of pregnancy is a particularly critical period for embryonic survival in pigs. Within that time, conceptus oestrogen synthesis is initiated, spacing and final placement of conceptuses is completed, and the signal for extending the functional lifespan of the corpora lutea is received by the mother. There is also a marked increase in blood flow to the uterus and the uterine endometrium produces and secretes nutrient histotrophe. Coneeptus-derived oestrogen h...

bp0018cpr32 | Breeding Management Programs for The Future | CPR2009

Growth, body state and breeding performance in gilts and primiparous sows

Bortolozzo F.P. , Bernardi M.L. , Kummer R. , Wentz I.

Optimizing gilt management is a critical point to improve breeding herd efficiency. This review describes the effects of growth rate (GR) and body state at onset of puberty stimulation or at first mating on gilt puberty attainment, productivity and sow longevity. Traditional management practices should be re-evaluated with attention to different modern genotypes. It is difficult to discern the real effects of age, weight, backfat depth and estrus number at first insemina...

bp0006rdr14 | Reproductive Manangement | REDR2006

Technologies for fixed-time artificial insemination and their influence on reproductive performance of Bos indicus cattle

Bó GA , Cutaia L , Peres LC , Pindnato D , Maraña D , Baruselli PS

The adaptation of Bos indicus cattle to tropical and subtropical environments has led to their widespread distribution around the world. Although artificial insemination (AI) is one of the best alternatives to introduce new genetics into Bos indicus herds, the peculiarity of their temperament and the tendency to show short oestrus (many of them during the night) greatly affects the effectiveness of genetic improvement programs. Therefore, the most useful alte...