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bp0015cpr18 | Advances in Biotechnology in Pig Reproduction | CPR1997

Advances in the generation of transgenic pigs via embryo-derived and primordial germ cell-derived cells

Piedrahita J. A. , Moore K. , Lee C. , Oetamau B. , Weaks B. , Ramsoondar J. , Thomson J. , Vasquez J.

The development of new technologies that would increase the efficiency for generation of transgenic livestock and would overcome some of the problems associated with random insertion of the transgene will greatly benefit animal agriculture. A potential alternative technology to pronuclear injection for the generation of transgenic pigs involves the isolation, culture and genetic manipulation of cell lines that can be reintroduced into the embryo for participation in the f...

bp0018cpr29 | Control of Prenatal Development | CPR2009

Cellular and molecular events in early and mid gestation porcine implantation sites: a review

Croy B.A. , Wessels J.M. , Linton N.F. , van den Heuvel M. , Edwards A.K. , Tayade C.

Commercial, North American pork breeds (Sus sada) experience significant loss of genetically-normal conceptuses during the peri-implantation (attachment) period and at mid-gestation (day 50 to 90 of the 114 day porcine gestation interval). Although exact causes for these losses are not defined, asynchronous in-utero development and deficits in vascularization of the endometrium and placenta appear to be involved. Understanding of normal maternal-fetal dialogue is critica...

bp0001redr2 | (1) | REDR1980

The role of the pineal gland in seasonality

Seamark RF , Kennaway DJ , Matthews CD , Fellenberg AJ , Phillipou G , Kotaras P , McIntosh JEA , Dunstan E , Obst JM

Summary. The life time reproductive performance of 2 flocks of Merino crossbred ewes pinealectomized at 7–60 days of age, and maintained in South Australia did not differ from that of sham-operated control animals kept in the same flocks. The pineal gland is therefore not a major determinant of reproductive success, but a role for the pineal in adjusting breeding activity to season is not excluded. It was confirmed that pineal denervation of adult ewes ...

bp0004rdr10 | Comparative Reproductive Function: Implications for Management | REDR1998

Implications of recent advances in reproductive physiology for reproductive management of goats

Chemineau P , Baril G , Leboeuf B , Maurel MC , Roy F , Pellicer-Rubio M , Malpaux B , Cognie Y

The control of reproduction in goats is interesting for technical reasons (synchronization of kiddings, adjustment to forage availability or to economy), and for genetic reasons (identification and dissemination of improved genotypes). The use of short-light rhythms leads to markedly increased production of semen per buck and prevents occurrence of a ‘resting’ season. Recent identification of a bulbourethral lipase in goat spermatozoa opens new perspectives in sperm ...

bp0019cpr18 | Gestation Elicited | CPR2013

Maternal and fetal amino acid metabolism in gestating sows

Guoyao Wu , Fuller W. Bazer , Gregory A. Johnson , Robert C. Burghardt , Xilong Li , Zhaolai Dai , Junjun Wang , Zhenlong Wu

Among livestock species, swine exhibit the most severe naturally-occurring intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) primarily due to a reduction in net protein synthesis. Thus, new knowledge about fetal metabolism of amino acids (AA), which are building blocks for proteins and regulators of intracellular protein turnover, can provide a solution to this problem. Among all AA, requirements of glutamate and glutamine by fetal pigs are quantitatively the highest, but cannot b...

bp0018cpr28 | Control of Prenatal Development | CPR2009

Prenatal programming of postnatal development in the pig

Foxcroft G.R. , Dixon W.T. , Dyck M.K. , Novak S. , Harding J.C.S. , Almeida F.C.R.L.

Studies of low birth weight offspring have a long history in pig science. These pigs have reduced growth potential and poor carcass quality compared to their higher birth weight littermates. In contemporary commercial sows with between 10 and 15 total pigs born/litter, between-litter differences in average birth weight appear to make the largest contribution to variation in postnatal growth performance, independent of numbers born. Low birth weight is a characteristic of...

bp0018cpr30 | Control of Prenatal Development | CPR2009

Functional genomic approaches for the study of fetal/placental development in swine with special emphasis on imprinted genes

Bischoff S.R. , Tsai S. , Hardison N. , Motsinger-Reift A.A. , Freking B.A. , Piedrahita J.A.

This chapter describes the application of functional genomic approaches to the study of imprinted genes in swine. While there are varied definitions of "functional genomics", in general they focus on the application of DNA microarrays, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, and other high coverage genomic analyses, and their combination with downstream methods of gene modification such as silencing RNA (siRNA) and viral and non-viral transfection. Between the initi...