Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0019cpr22 | Managing for Litter Survival | CPR2013

Prenatal stress in pigs: impact on growth, behaviour, neuroendocrine and immune functions in the offspring

Otten W. , Kanitz E. , Tuchscherer M.

Studies in different animal models and humans give evidence that stress experienced by pregnant mothers affects foetal development and has long-term consequences on many physiological systems and behaviour in the offspring, thus facilitating the risk for disorders later in life. In farm animals, housing conditions or inadequate management practices during gestation may be potential stressors for the mother, which could affect growth, vitality, health and welfare of the d...

bp0001redr10 | (1) | REDR1980

Endocrine patterns associated with puberty in male and female cattle

Schams D , Schallenberger E , Gombe S , Karg H

Summary. In four studies secretion patterns of LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone and progesterone were measured in male and female cattle to determine endocrine changes associated with sexual maturation. Two periods of increasing gonadotrophin secretion were observed, the second one coinciding with puberty. A short luteal phase of 8–12 days precedes the first oestrus at 10–11 or 14 months of age. The testosterone values of the bulls increased with age...

bp0006rdr23 | Embryo Gene Expression | REDR2006

Gene expression in elongating and gastrulating embryos from ruminants

Hue I , Degrelle SA , Campion E , Renard J-P

In ruminants, more than 30% of the embryonic losses observed after artificial insemination (AI) have an early origin, coincident with a marked elongation of the trophoblast which occurs before implantation. Several observations provide clear evidence that early elongation of the conceptus relies on cell multiplication, cell growth and cell shape remodeling. Recent results indicating an intense multiplication of a non-fully differentiated trophoblast, which still expresses ...

bp0009rdr13 | (1) | REDR1986

Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes

Kinder J. E. , Day M. L. , Kittok R. J.

Summary. Sexual maturation in cows and ewes is modulated through changes in hypothalamic inhibition. This inhibition results in little or no stimulation of the release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. The ovary has a primary role in inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion during the prepubertal period and the responsiveness to the negative feedback effects of oestrogen decreases during the peripubertal period. There is also an increased secretion of o...

bp0010ised7 | (1) | ISED2019

Identification of mink (Neovison vison) fecal proteins during embryonic diapause and placental pregnancy for non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in wildlife

Curry E , Easley JS , Wojtusik J , Roth TL

Currently, there is no method to diagnose pregnancy non-invasively in most wildlife species that experience delayed implantation and pseudopregnancy, either during embryonic diapause or placental pregnancy. The aim of this study was to utilize farm-raised mink (Neovison vison) as a model species to evaluate changes in the fecal proteome associated with pregnancy. Specific objectives were to: 1) determine if fecal peptides were differentially abundant in parturient ver...

bp0013cpr23 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Mechanisms mediating the stimulatory effects of the boar on gilt reproduction

Hughes P. E. , Pearce G. P. , Paterson A. M.

Keywords: boar exposure; puberty; gilts; pheromones© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0014cpr12 | Conceptus-Uterine Interactions in Pigs | CPR1993

Embryo–uterineinteractions in pigs during week 2 of pregnancy

Roberts R. M. , Xiel S. , Trout W. E. ,

The second week of pregnancy is a particularly critical period for embryonic survival in pigs. Within that time, conceptus oestrogen synthesis is initiated, spacing and final placement of conceptuses is completed, and the signal for extending the functional lifespan of the corpora lutea is received by the mother. There is also a marked increase in blood flow to the uterus and the uterine endometrium produces and secretes nutrient histotrophe. Coneeptus-derived oestrogen h...

bp0016cpr18 | Gestation and Parturition | CPR2001

Prenatal development as a predisposing factor for perinatal losses in pigs

van der Lende T. , Knol E. F. , Leenhouwers J. I.

The pig industry is confronted with substantial losses due to piglet mortality. With 3-8% stillbirths and generally > 10% preweaning mortality, approximately one fifth of al I fetuses formed fully at the end of gestation die before weaning. Most of these losses occur in the perinatal period. Overall prenatal development (birth weight) and specific prenatal developmental and maturational processes in late gestation are predisposing factors for perinatal losses. Birth weight ...

bp0001redr23 | (1) | REDR1980

The effect of suckling upon the endocrine changes associated with anoestrus in identical twin dairy cows

Smith JF , Payne E , Tervit HR , McGowan LT , Fairclough R , Kilgour R , Goold PG

Summary. Identical twin pairs of dairy cows (one twin being placed with 4 calves for multiple suckling while the other was machine milked) were used to study the hormonal changes associated with anoestrus. Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of multiple suckling on the interval to first oestrus post partum, concentrations of LH and progesterone post partum, and the LH response to LH-RH or oestradiol-17β. The effects of hormo...