Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0009rdr11 | (1) | REDR1986

Changes in sperm surfaces associated with epididymal transit

Hammerstedt R. H. , Parks J. E.

Abstract unavailable© 1987 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0013cpr6 | Nutrition-Metabolism-Reproduction Interactions | CPR1989

Mathematical models of sow reproduction

Close W. H. , Pettigrew J. E. ,

Keywords: pig; models; metabolism© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0009rdr13 | (1) | REDR1986

Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes

Kinder J. E. , Day M. L. , Kittok R. J.

Summary. Sexual maturation in cows and ewes is modulated through changes in hypothalamic inhibition. This inhibition results in little or no stimulation of the release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. The ovary has a primary role in inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion during the prepubertal period and the responsiveness to the negative feedback effects of oestrogen decreases during the peripubertal period. There is also an increased secretion of o...

bp0016cpr22 | New Technologies | CPR2001

Deep intrauterine insemination and embryo transfer in pigs

Martinez E. A. , Vazquez J. M , Roca J. , Lucas X. , Gil M. A. , Vazquez J. L.

A new method for non-surgical deep intrauterine catheterization of pigs, without sedation of the sow, is described. Insemination results obtained with this method using fresh spermatozoa demonstrate that, in comparison to conventional artificial insemination (Al) (3 × 109 spermatozoa in 80-100 ml), a 20-60-fold reduction in the number of spermatozoa inseminated and at least a 8-10-fold reduction in the dose volume can be used without affecting fertility ...

bp0006rdr23 | Embryo Gene Expression | REDR2006

Gene expression in elongating and gastrulating embryos from ruminants

Hue I , Degrelle SA , Campion E , Renard J-P

In ruminants, more than 30% of the embryonic losses observed after artificial insemination (AI) have an early origin, coincident with a marked elongation of the trophoblast which occurs before implantation. Several observations provide clear evidence that early elongation of the conceptus relies on cell multiplication, cell growth and cell shape remodeling. Recent results indicating an intense multiplication of a non-fully differentiated trophoblast, which still expresses ...

bp0010ised7 | (1) | ISED2019

Identification of mink (Neovison vison) fecal proteins during embryonic diapause and placental pregnancy for non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis in wildlife

Curry E , Easley JS , Wojtusik J , Roth TL

Currently, there is no method to diagnose pregnancy non-invasively in most wildlife species that experience delayed implantation and pseudopregnancy, either during embryonic diapause or placental pregnancy. The aim of this study was to utilize farm-raised mink (Neovison vison) as a model species to evaluate changes in the fecal proteome associated with pregnancy. Specific objectives were to: 1) determine if fecal peptides were differentially abundant in parturient ver...

bp0016cpr18 | Gestation and Parturition | CPR2001

Prenatal development as a predisposing factor for perinatal losses in pigs

van der Lende T. , Knol E. F. , Leenhouwers J. I.

The pig industry is confronted with substantial losses due to piglet mortality. With 3-8% stillbirths and generally > 10% preweaning mortality, approximately one fifth of al I fetuses formed fully at the end of gestation die before weaning. Most of these losses occur in the perinatal period. Overall prenatal development (birth weight) and specific prenatal developmental and maturational processes in late gestation are predisposing factors for perinatal losses. Birth weight ...

bp0014cpr8 | Ovarian and Uterine Function | CPR1993

The role of insulin-like growth factors and epidermal growth factor-related peptides in intraovarianregulation in the pig ovary

Hammond J. M. , Samaras S. E. , Grimes R. , Leighton J. , Barber J. , Canning S. F. , Guthrie H. D. ,

The autocrine and paracrine role of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and epiderrnal growth factor (EGF)-related peptides in pig ovary are reviewed. For convenience, each of these regulatory systems is divided into several interactive components: regulated expression of the growth factors, growth factor reception at the cell surface and intracellular action of the growth factors. In addition, the concept of regulated bioavailability and targeting of growth factors in...

bp0014cpr7 | Ovarian and Uterine Function | CPR1993

Early uterine development in pigs

Bartol F. F. , Wiley A. A. , Spencer T. E. , Vallet J. L. , Christenson R. K.

The capacity of pig uterine tissues to recognize and respond to maternal and conceptus signals determines whether pregnancy can be established and defines the environment in which embryonic and fetal growth occur. Limits of uterine capacity may be defined genetically. However, the extent to which functional uterine capacity approaches genetic potential may be determined, in part, by the success of organizational events associated with growth, morphogenesis and cytodiffere...