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bp0002rdr12 | Inhibin | REDR1990

Inhibin and secretion of FSH in oestrous cycles of cows and pigs

Taya K , Kaneko H , Watanabe G , Sasamoto S

Abstract unavailableKeywords: inhibin; oestradiol; cow; pig; FSH© 1991 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0007rdr22 | The Ruminant Corpus Luteum | REDR2010

Regulation of corpus luteum development and maintenance: specific roles of angiogenesis and action of prostaglandin F

Miyamoto A , Shirasuna K , Shimizu T , Bollwein H , Schams D

Development of the corpus luteum (CL) in ruminants occurs in a rapid and time-dependent manner within 1 week after ovulation, with morphologic and biochemical changes in the cells of the theca interna and granulosa cells of the preovulatory follicle. These changes involve luteinisation of steroidogenic cells and angiogenesis to establish normal luteal function (progesterone secretion). The CL is composed of a large number of vascular endothelial cells, large and small steroido...

bp0010ised5 | (1) | ISED2019

Could embryonic diapause facilitate conservation of endangered species?

Wauters J , Jewgenow K , Goritz F , Hildebrandt TB

During embryonic diapause, the development of the embryo is paused shortly after conception by metabolic or seasonal factors. When conditions become favorable, the embryo will resume development after reactivation by the maternal reproductive system. Inducing this resting state in in vivo or in vitro manipulated embryos may offer invaluable advantages in the long-term storage of embryos, therefore offering a potential worthwhile and novel alternative in assisted reproduction c...

bp0012cpr2 | Endocrinology of Follicular Development | CPR1985

Maturation of ovarian follicles in the prepubertalgilt

Christenson R. K. , Ford J. J. , Redmer D. A.

Summary. The processes of follicle development and puberty are closely related, and both are associated with maturation of the hypothalamic—pituitary—ovarian axis. Prenatal development of the ovary is independent of gonadotrophic stimulation. Beyond 60 days of age (postnatally), tertiary follicles develop and gonadotrophins begin to influence ovarian follicular development. Negative feedback regulation of pituitary gonadotrophins by ovarian secretions dev...

bp0013cpr2 | The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis | CPR1989

Regulation and action of gonadotrophinsin pigs

Esbenshade K. L. , Ziecikt A. J. , Britt J. H.

Summary. Gonadotrophins, synthesized and secreted from the basophils of the adenohypophysis, bind to various target cells and elicit a wide variety of responses. Specific receptors for gonadotrophins have been found on plasma membranes of thecal, granulosa, luteal, endometrial and myometrial cells in the female and on Leydig and Sertoli cells in the Male. Gonadotrophins exert their effects through various intracellular second messengers and control biosyn...

bp0014cpr1 | Regulation of Oocyte and Embryonic Development in Pigs | CPR1993

Follicle–oocyte–sperminteractions in vivo and in vitro in pigs

Sirard M. A. , Dubuc A. , Bolamba D. , Zheng Y. , Coenen K.

In vitro culture has provided new information on the mechanisms involved in fertilization where two completely different cells fuse together. At the same time, results obtained in vitro have led to new questions. Does the follicle influence the final maturation process of the oocyte and does the oviduct regulate the normal behaviour of spermatozoa? Recent studies indicate a critical influence of both the follicular compartment and the oviduct on the norm...

bp0015cpr2 | Regulation of Reproductive Function | CPR1997

Immune-endocrine interactions affecting luteal function in pigs

Wuttke W. , Pitzel L. , Knoke L. , Theiling K. , Jarry H.

The formation, normal function and destruction of corpora lutea are essential features of normal reproduction. Although the formation of corpora lutea from follicles is largely dependent on pituitary gonadotrophins, the process of luteolysis is locally regulated and poorly understood. The corpus luteum consists of several steroidogenic and nonsteroidogenic cell types that interact with each other in a paracrine manner. Under cell culture conditions, large luteal cells tha...

bp0018cpr15 | Maturation of The Pre-ovulatory Follicle | CPR2009

Appearance, fate and utilization of abnormal porcine embryos produced by in vitro maturation and fertilization

Kikuchi K. , Somfai T. , Nakai M. , Nagai M.

In vitro production (IVP) including in vitro maturation (IVM) and fertilization (IVF) is now an important technology for obtaining live piglets. However, there are still two significant obstacles to the efficient production of viable porcine embryos: (1) polyspermy and (2) fertilization of oocytes arrested at the immature stage. These phenomena relate to production of embryos with abnormal ploidy (polyploidy). To avoid these problems, careful selection of mature oocytes ...