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bp0006rdr23 | Embryo Gene Expression | REDR2006

Gene expression in elongating and gastrulating embryos from ruminants

Hue I , Degrelle SA , Campion E , Renard J-P

In ruminants, more than 30% of the embryonic losses observed after artificial insemination (AI) have an early origin, coincident with a marked elongation of the trophoblast which occurs before implantation. Several observations provide clear evidence that early elongation of the conceptus relies on cell multiplication, cell growth and cell shape remodeling. Recent results indicating an intense multiplication of a non-fully differentiated trophoblast, which still expresses ...

bp0009rdr13 | (1) | REDR1986

Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes

Kinder J. E. , Day M. L. , Kittok R. J.

Summary. Sexual maturation in cows and ewes is modulated through changes in hypothalamic inhibition. This inhibition results in little or no stimulation of the release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. The ovary has a primary role in inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion during the prepubertal period and the responsiveness to the negative feedback effects of oestrogen decreases during the peripubertal period. There is also an increased secretion of o...

bp0013cpr23 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Mechanisms mediating the stimulatory effects of the boar on gilt reproduction

Hughes P. E. , Pearce G. P. , Paterson A. M.

Keywords: boar exposure; puberty; gilts; pheromones© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0014cpr12 | Conceptus-Uterine Interactions in Pigs | CPR1993

Embryo–uterineinteractions in pigs during week 2 of pregnancy

Roberts R. M. , Xiel S. , Trout W. E. ,

The second week of pregnancy is a particularly critical period for embryonic survival in pigs. Within that time, conceptus oestrogen synthesis is initiated, spacing and final placement of conceptuses is completed, and the signal for extending the functional lifespan of the corpora lutea is received by the mother. There is also a marked increase in blood flow to the uterus and the uterine endometrium produces and secretes nutrient histotrophe. Coneeptus-derived oestrogen h...

bp0003rdr27 | Regulation of Gonadal Function | REDR1994

Immunological manipulation of ovulation rate for twinning in cattle

Hillard MA , Wilkins JF , Cummins LJ , Bindon BM , Tsonis CG , Findlay JK , O’Shea T

Unlike in sheep, in which immunization against androstenedione causes mild and reasonably controlled increased ovulation rate, in similar studies cattle showed highly variable responses ranging from increased ovulation rate and fertility through to anovulation/anoestrus or superovulation. As a consequence, interest in manipulation of ovulation rate through this approach has declined and is now focused on immunological manipulation of endogenous inhibin following successful stu...

bp0008rdr8 | Neuroendocrinology | REDR2014

The role of kisspeptin in reproductive function in the ewe

Smith Jeremy T , Hawken Penelope AR , Lehman Michael N , Martin Graeme B

Summary. Kisspeptin is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that is critical for fertility. In virtually all species, kisspeptin neurons stimulate gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion and act as transmitters for sex-steroid feedback to GnRH neurons. In sheep, kisspeptin neurons are located in the preoptic area and the arcuate nucleus (ARC), with the latter involved in both oestradiol positive and negative feedback regulation of GnRH. In addition, sheep are ...

bp0008rdr14 | Challenges in Optimization of Reproductive Performance | REDR2014

Optimizing productive and reproductive performance in the grazing cow

Butler Stephen T , Cummins Sean B , Herlihy Mary M , Hutchinson Ian A , Moore Stephen G

Abstract. The efficiency of milk production in pasture-based systems is heavily influenced by calving pattern, necessitating excellent reproductive performance in a short breeding season. Where grazed pasture is the major component of the diet, cows are underfed relative to their intake potential. A number of studies have identified body condition score measurements that are related to likelihood of both submission and conception. In general, fertility variabl...

bp0015cpr13 | Boar Fertility and Semen Preservation | CPR1997

Physiology of the Meishan boar

Lunstral D. D. , Ford J. J. , Klindt J. , Wise T. H.

Onset of puberty (sperm production) occurs at a much younger age (56-84 days) in Meishans than in conventional boars (120-180 days). Throughout postnatal development, Meishans exhibit markedly higher (two- to ten-fold) concentrations of serurn FSH, LH and androgens compared with conventional boars, and these high hormone concentrations are maintained at maturity. Increased gonadotrophin concentrations occur only in Meishan males, since concentrations in female Meishans a...