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bp0017cpr13 | (1) | CPR2005

Dietary fat and reproduction in the post partum sow

van den Brand H. , Kemp B.

Lactating sows are not able to ingest sufficient energy to produce the large amount of milk they are presently capable of. Therefore, sows use a considerable amount of body reserves to maintain their milk production. Body weight loss is negatively associated with subsequent reproductive performance. Addition of fat to the diet is often used to increase energy intake during lactation. This review examines the effects of adding fat to the diet on subsequent reproductive pe...

bp0002rdr12 | Inhibin | REDR1990

Inhibin and secretion of FSH in oestrous cycles of cows and pigs

Taya K , Kaneko H , Watanabe G , Sasamoto S

Abstract unavailableKeywords: inhibin; oestradiol; cow; pig; FSH© 1991 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0005rdr12 | Pre-natal Programming of Lifetime Productivity and Health | REDR2002

Gene expression in the developing embryo and fetus

Taylor J , Fairburn H , Beaujean N , Meehan R , Young L

Determining the stage- and tissue-specific patterns of gene expression shown by the embryo and fetus will provide information about the control of normal development. Identification of alterations in these patterns associated with specific abnormal phenotypes will also be informative regarding the underlying molecular mechanisms. In addition, qualitative and quantitative changes in gene expression that deviate from the norm may provide a potential marker system for predicting ...

bp0005rdr20 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Stress and the control of LH secretion in the ewe

Smith RF , Ghuman SPS , Evans NP , Karsch FJ , Dobson H

Stress influences the activity of the reproductive system at several sites. One of the most significant effects is at level of the GnRH secretory system to reduce GnRH pulsatility and thus LH pulsatility. This in turn reduces the oestradiol signal that stimulates the GnRH–LH surge in the follicular phase. Three sequential phases have been identified in the induction of the GnRH–LH surge by oestradiol: (i) activation, (ii) transmission and (iii) surge secretion. There...

bp0005rdr23 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Origin of cerebrospinal fluid melatonin and possible function in the integration of photoperiod

Tricoire H , Møller M , Chemineau P , Malpaux B

Melatonin, which is synthesized at night by the pineal gland, is present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but its entry site and its role in this compartment are not known. Using several approaches, we tested the hypothesis that melatonin enters the CSF through the pineal recess, an evagination of the third ventricle. CSF melatonin concentrations are higher near the pineal gland than in the anterior part of the third ventricle, and decrease markedly (80%) after sealing of...

bp0007rdr22 | The Ruminant Corpus Luteum | REDR2010

Regulation of corpus luteum development and maintenance: specific roles of angiogenesis and action of prostaglandin F

Miyamoto A , Shirasuna K , Shimizu T , Bollwein H , Schams D

Development of the corpus luteum (CL) in ruminants occurs in a rapid and time-dependent manner within 1 week after ovulation, with morphologic and biochemical changes in the cells of the theca interna and granulosa cells of the preovulatory follicle. These changes involve luteinisation of steroidogenic cells and angiogenesis to establish normal luteal function (progesterone secretion). The CL is composed of a large number of vascular endothelial cells, large and small steroido...

bp0013cpr2 | The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis | CPR1989

Regulation and action of gonadotrophinsin pigs

Esbenshade K. L. , Ziecikt A. J. , Britt J. H.

Summary. Gonadotrophins, synthesized and secreted from the basophils of the adenohypophysis, bind to various target cells and elicit a wide variety of responses. Specific receptors for gonadotrophins have been found on plasma membranes of thecal, granulosa, luteal, endometrial and myometrial cells in the female and on Leydig and Sertoli cells in the Male. Gonadotrophins exert their effects through various intracellular second messengers and control biosyn...

bp0015cpr2 | Regulation of Reproductive Function | CPR1997

Immune-endocrine interactions affecting luteal function in pigs

Wuttke W. , Pitzel L. , Knoke L. , Theiling K. , Jarry H.

The formation, normal function and destruction of corpora lutea are essential features of normal reproduction. Although the formation of corpora lutea from follicles is largely dependent on pituitary gonadotrophins, the process of luteolysis is locally regulated and poorly understood. The corpus luteum consists of several steroidogenic and nonsteroidogenic cell types that interact with each other in a paracrine manner. Under cell culture conditions, large luteal cells tha...