Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0009rdr5 | (1) | REDR1986

Control of follicular growth and development

Ireland J. J.

Summary. During folliculogenesis a group of growing preantral follicles becomes responsive and dependent upon gonadotrophins, especially FSH, for their continued growth and differentiation. However, most of these follicles undergo atresia. The mechanisms that result in survival of a specific number of ovulatory (dominant) follicles appear to depend upon: (a) responsiveness of preantral follicles to gonadotrophins, (b) inhibitory and stimulatory factors from a ...

bp0017cpr3 | (1) | CPR2005

Gene expression in the brain-pituitary adipose tissue axis and luteinising hormone secretion during pubertal development in the gilt

Barb C. R. , Hausman G. J. , Rekaya R.

The occurrence of puberty in the female is due to the interplay of central and peripheral mechanisms in which the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis regulates growth and gonadal function, as well as adipocyte hormone secretion. Hypothalamic GnRH mRNA expression increased at 3.5 months of age and declined by 6 months of age. Concomitant with the age related reduction in the oestrogen negative feedback on LH secretion was a decline in hypothalamic oestrogen receptor-&alph...

bp0008rdr28 | Placentation/Parturition | REDR2014

Steroidogenesis and the initiation of parturition

Conley Alan J , Reynolds Lawrence P

Overview. One of the most fundamental axioms of mammalian reproduction is that pregnancy requires the support of progesterone without which it cannot be established or maintained. Though this basic physiological tenet was accepted long ago, major gaps in our understanding of the physiology of both pregnancy and parturition remain which hamper our ability to solve clinically and agriculturally significant problems such as low fertility, fetal growth restriction...

bp0013cpr24 | Behavioural Aspects | CPR1989

Mechanisms mediating the stimulatory effects of the boar on gilt reproductino

Hemsworth P. H. , Barnett J. L. ,

Summary. Behavioural responses can have direct effects on reproduction when the performance of the behaviour contributes to productivity (e.g. achievement of copulation). Alternatively, there are indirect effects where a behavioural change is insufficient to allow adaptation to an environmental change and so the animal has to resort to physiological mechanisms with potential adverse effects on productivity.Boar contact has substantial ...

bp0005rdr23 | Neuroendocrine Interactions | REDR2002

Origin of cerebrospinal fluid melatonin and possible function in the integration of photoperiod

Tricoire H , Møller M , Chemineau P , Malpaux B

Melatonin, which is synthesized at night by the pineal gland, is present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but its entry site and its role in this compartment are not known. Using several approaches, we tested the hypothesis that melatonin enters the CSF through the pineal recess, an evagination of the third ventricle. CSF melatonin concentrations are higher near the pineal gland than in the anterior part of the third ventricle, and decrease markedly (80%) after sealing of...

bp0009rdr11 | (1) | REDR1986

Changes in sperm surfaces associated with epididymal transit

Hammerstedt R. H. , Parks J. E.

Abstract unavailable© 1987 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0014cpr13 | Reproductive Management | CPR1993

Seasonal effects on fertility in gilts and sows

Love R. J. , Evans G. , Klupie C. ,

The ancestral wild pig is a short day length seasonal breeder. The domestic pig appears to have retained some of this seasonality as evidenced by a reduction in fertility during the summer—autumn period. The most important aspect of this seasonality is a reduction in the number of mated sows that farrow. Many of these sows conceive and embryos develop normally for 20 - 25 days before pregnancy is terminated and the sow returns to oestrus (25 - 35 days after mating). In ot...

bp0015cpr10 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Regulation of conceptus development and attachment in pigs

Geisert R. D. , Yelich J. V. ,

Implantation/placentation in domestic pigs is preceded by synthesis ot oestrogen by the conceptus to maintain functional corpora lutea throughout pregnancy and a rapid morphological transformation of conceptuses from spherical to long filamentous thread-like structures. Initial conceptus expansion, reaching a metre in length, not only delineates the surface area for placental attachment, but also provides the mechanism for delivery of oestrogen to signal events necessary ...

bp0016cpr11 | Fertilization in vivo and in vitro | CPR2001

Gamete adhesion molecules

Millerand D. J. , Burkin H. R.

Despite the importance of fertilization for animal production, species preservation and controlling reproduction, the molecular basis underlying fertilization is not well understood. More progress has been made in mice than in other mammals, but targeted deletion of specific genes in the mouse has often yielded unexpected results. The pig is also a useful animal to study, as large numbers of pig gametes can be acquired easily. However, it appears that the pig zona pelluc...

bp0009rdr13 | (1) | REDR1986

Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes

Kinder J. E. , Day M. L. , Kittok R. J.

Summary. Sexual maturation in cows and ewes is modulated through changes in hypothalamic inhibition. This inhibition results in little or no stimulation of the release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. The ovary has a primary role in inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion during the prepubertal period and the responsiveness to the negative feedback effects of oestrogen decreases during the peripubertal period. There is also an increased secretion of o...