Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0012cpr3 | Endocrinology of Follicular Development | CPR1985

Control of follicular development during and after lactation in sows

Britt J. H. , Armstrong J. D. , Cox Nancy M. , Esbenshade Nancy M.

Summary. Follicular development during early lactation in the sow is characterized by a large population of small-sized follicles and a small population of medium-sized follicles. As lactation progresses there is a gradual shift in number of follicles into medium- or large-sized categories and the percentage of follicles classified as atretic declines. Weaning at birth often leads to aberrant follicular development, apparently because the positive feedbac...

bp0013cpr18 | Early Pregnancy | CPR1989

Causes and consequences of early embryonic diversity in pigs

Pope W. F. , Xie S. , Broermann D. M. , Nephew K. P.

Summary. Within 14 h of ovulation, follicular development in gilts was skewed towards a majority of mature follicles, based on their endocrine milieu. Oocyte maturation was also skewed, with a majority of the oocytes being meiotically more developed than the rest. Similarly, the pattern of ovulation in gilts was such that 70% of the follicles ovulated during a short period of time, while most of the remaining 30% ovulated over a more protracted period. Th...

bp0013cpr21 | Early Pregnancy | CPR1989

Embryonicsteroids and the establishment of pregnancy in pigs

Geisert R. D. , Zavyt M. T. , Moffattt R. J. , Blair R. M. , Yellin T.

Summary. In the pig, establishment of pregnancy begins about 11-12 days after the start of oestrus. The ability of pig conceptuses to synthesize and release oestrogens during this period, as well as the ability of exogenous oestrogens to induce pseudopregnancy when administered from Day 11-15 of the oestrous cycle, provide evidence for an involvement of oestrogen in the maternal recognition of pregnancy in the sow. Oestrogen derived from the conceptus or ...

bp0014cpr20 | Components of Prolificacy in Pigs | CPR1993

Uterine function in Meishan pigs

Christenson R. K. , Vallet J. L. , Leymaster K. A. , Young L. D.

The Meishan pig provides a biological model with the genetic capacity to express a high prolificacy. This prolificacy can be partially attributed to a higher ovulation rate and a higher rate of prenatal survival at a given ovulation rate throughout gestation than in European breeds. Both early embryonic survival (factors inherent to the ovum and uterus, which occur before day 25 of gestation) and uterine capacity (factors inherent to uterine limitation, which occur from 3...

bp0016cpr13 | Embryonic and Placental Development | CPR2001

Gene expression during pre- and peri-implantation embryonic development in pigs

Maddox-Hyttel P. , Dinnyes A. , Laurincik J. , Rath D. , Niemann H. , Rosenkranz H. , Wilmut H.

Embryo technological procedures such as in vitro production and cloning by nuclear transfer are not as advanced in pigs as in cattle and cannot yet be applied under field conditions. The present paper focuses on genome activation in in vivo-derived, in vitro-produced and nuclear transfer pig embryos with special emphasis on the development of embryonic nucleoli, where the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes transcribed can be used as markers for genome ...

bp0008rdr16 | Challenges in Optimization of Reproductive Performance | REDR2014

Endocrine disruptors and ovine reproductive development

Lea Richard G , Byers Andrew S , Bellingham Michelle , Cotinot Corinne , Evans Neil , Mandon-Pepin Beatrice , Sinclair Kevin D , Fowler Paul A

Summary. Declining fertility and perturbations in reproductive development in a variety of species have been linked to exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which are ubiquitous in the environment. Ruminants are largely exposed to such chemicals in sewage sludge fertiliser widely used in animal production systems. This has been investigated experimentally through the deliberate exposure of pregnant ewes to sewage sludge fertilised pastures or cont...

bp0014cpr8 | Ovarian and Uterine Function | CPR1993

The role of insulin-like growth factors and epidermal growth factor-related peptides in intraovarianregulation in the pig ovary

Hammond J. M. , Samaras S. E. , Grimes R. , Leighton J. , Barber J. , Canning S. F. , Guthrie H. D. ,

The autocrine and paracrine role of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and epiderrnal growth factor (EGF)-related peptides in pig ovary are reviewed. For convenience, each of these regulatory systems is divided into several interactive components: regulated expression of the growth factors, growth factor reception at the cell surface and intracellular action of the growth factors. In addition, the concept of regulated bioavailability and targeting of growth factors in...

bp0016cpr4 | Development of The Follicleand Corpus Luteum | CPR2001

Formation and early development of the corpus luteum in pigs

Murphy B. D. , Gévry N. , Ruiz-Cortés T. , Cote F. , Downey B. R. , Sirois J.

Numerous corpora lutea form from the multiple follicles that ovulate during the oestrous cycle of pigs. Vascular elements invade the follicle from the theca compartment, first centripetally, and subsequently by lateral branching of centripetal veins and arteries. The vessels are the vehicle for dispersion of steroidogenic theca cells throughout the corpus luteum. Mitosis occurs in both the theca and granulosa layers before ovulation, and in luteal cells well into the lut...

bp0019cpr6 | Oocyte-embryo Interplay with in vitro or in vivo milieu | CPR2013

Transcriptional profiling of oocyte maturation and embryonic development elucidates metabolism and control of development

Prather Randall S. , Brown Alana , Spate Lee D. , Redel Bethany K. , Whitworth Kristin M. , Whyte Jeffrey J.

With the advent of next generation sequencing platforms (RNA-seq), transcriptional profiling permits the characterization of millions of RNAs from even the most limiting samples like early embryos. High-throughput RNA-seq can generate over 600 gigabases (Gb) in a single sequencing run, providing a near-complete record of all of the genes expressed in a sample at the time of collection. Condensing and finding coherence in the immense amount of raw data generated by transc...