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bp0016cpr23 | New Technologies | CPR2001

Transgenic alteration of sow milk to improve piglet growth and health

Wheeler M. B. , Bleck G. T. , Donovan S. M.

There are many potential applications of transgenic methodologies for developing new and improved strains of livestock. One practical application of transgenic technology in pig production is to improve milk production or composition. The first week after parturition is the period of greatest loss for pig producers, with highest morbidity and mortality attributed to malnutrition and scours. Despite the benefits to be gained by improving lactation performance, little prog...

bp0018cpr18 | Management of Ovarian Activity in Swine | CPR2009

Ovarian responses to laetation management strategies

Soede N.M. , Hazeleger W. , Gerritsen R. , Langendijk P. , Kemp B.

A number of lactation management strategies can be applied to reduce negative effects of lactation on post-weaning fertility. This paper focuses on effects of lactation length, Intermittent Suckling and Split Weaning on follicle development and subsequent oestrus. It is concluded that a lactation length of less than 3 weeks still leads to suboptimal reproductive performance in our modern sows. Further, both Intermittent Suckling and Split Weaning stimulate lactational fo...

bp0004rdr10 | Comparative Reproductive Function: Implications for Management | REDR1998

Implications of recent advances in reproductive physiology for reproductive management of goats

Chemineau P , Baril G , Leboeuf B , Maurel MC , Roy F , Pellicer-Rubio M , Malpaux B , Cognie Y

The control of reproduction in goats is interesting for technical reasons (synchronization of kiddings, adjustment to forage availability or to economy), and for genetic reasons (identification and dissemination of improved genotypes). The use of short-light rhythms leads to markedly increased production of semen per buck and prevents occurrence of a ‘resting’ season. Recent identification of a bulbourethral lipase in goat spermatozoa opens new perspectives in sperm ...

bp0016cpr4 | Development of The Follicleand Corpus Luteum | CPR2001

Formation and early development of the corpus luteum in pigs

Murphy B. D. , Gévry N. , Ruiz-Cortés T. , Cote F. , Downey B. R. , Sirois J.

Numerous corpora lutea form from the multiple follicles that ovulate during the oestrous cycle of pigs. Vascular elements invade the follicle from the theca compartment, first centripetally, and subsequently by lateral branching of centripetal veins and arteries. The vessels are the vehicle for dispersion of steroidogenic theca cells throughout the corpus luteum. Mitosis occurs in both the theca and granulosa layers before ovulation, and in luteal cells well into the lut...

bp0002rdr12 | Inhibin | REDR1990

Inhibin and secretion of FSH in oestrous cycles of cows and pigs

Taya K , Kaneko H , Watanabe G , Sasamoto S

Abstract unavailableKeywords: inhibin; oestradiol; cow; pig; FSH© 1991 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0007rdr22 | The Ruminant Corpus Luteum | REDR2010

Regulation of corpus luteum development and maintenance: specific roles of angiogenesis and action of prostaglandin F

Miyamoto A , Shirasuna K , Shimizu T , Bollwein H , Schams D

Development of the corpus luteum (CL) in ruminants occurs in a rapid and time-dependent manner within 1 week after ovulation, with morphologic and biochemical changes in the cells of the theca interna and granulosa cells of the preovulatory follicle. These changes involve luteinisation of steroidogenic cells and angiogenesis to establish normal luteal function (progesterone secretion). The CL is composed of a large number of vascular endothelial cells, large and small steroido...

bp0010ised5 | (1) | ISED2019

Could embryonic diapause facilitate conservation of endangered species?

Wauters J , Jewgenow K , Goritz F , Hildebrandt TB

During embryonic diapause, the development of the embryo is paused shortly after conception by metabolic or seasonal factors. When conditions become favorable, the embryo will resume development after reactivation by the maternal reproductive system. Inducing this resting state in in vivo or in vitro manipulated embryos may offer invaluable advantages in the long-term storage of embryos, therefore offering a potential worthwhile and novel alternative in assisted reproduction c...