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bp0013cpr7 | Nutrition-Metabolism-Reproduction Interactions | CPR1989

Metabolic influenceson hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian function in the pig

Booth P. J. ,

Keywords: pig; metabolism; hypothalamus; ovary; pituitary© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0015cpr22 | Aspects of OOcyfe and Embryonic Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Cryopreservationof pig embryos

Dobrinsky J. R. ,

The changing global needs for food and animal products require the development of breeding strategies for maximizing genetic improvement while maintaining genetic diversity. Genetic diversity can be conserved by using separate breeding herds; however, they may be expensive to maintain and inbreeding becomes a major concern. Alternative methods are needed to preserve valuable genetic resources in a reasonable and economic manner. Embryo cryopreservation allows indefinite s...

bp0016cpr24 | New Technologies | CPR2001

Cryopreservation of pig embryos: adaptation of vitrification technology for embryo transfer

Dobrinsky J. R.

Great advancements in cryopreservation of pig embryos have been made since the last International Conference on Pig Reproduction (ICPR). In 1997, there were standard methods to cryopreserve germplasm and embryos of most livestock species, except for the pig, and development of this technology for use in the international pig industry was slow and in the early stages. Since 1997, there have been advancements in cryopreservation of pig embryos, with reports of production o...

bp0009rdr13 | (1) | REDR1986

Endocrine regulation of puberty in cows and ewes

Kinder J. E. , Day M. L. , Kittok R. J.

Summary. Sexual maturation in cows and ewes is modulated through changes in hypothalamic inhibition. This inhibition results in little or no stimulation of the release of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary. The ovary has a primary role in inhibiting gonadotrophin secretion during the prepubertal period and the responsiveness to the negative feedback effects of oestrogen decreases during the peripubertal period. There is also an increased secretion of o...

bp0012cpr2 | Endocrinology of Follicular Development | CPR1985

Maturation of ovarian follicles in the prepubertalgilt

Christenson R. K. , Ford J. J. , Redmer D. A.

Summary. The processes of follicle development and puberty are closely related, and both are associated with maturation of the hypothalamic—pituitary—ovarian axis. Prenatal development of the ovary is independent of gonadotrophic stimulation. Beyond 60 days of age (postnatally), tertiary follicles develop and gonadotrophins begin to influence ovarian follicular development. Negative feedback regulation of pituitary gonadotrophins by ovarian secretions dev...

bp0013cpr2 | The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis | CPR1989

Regulation and action of gonadotrophinsin pigs

Esbenshade K. L. , Ziecikt A. J. , Britt J. H.

Summary. Gonadotrophins, synthesized and secreted from the basophils of the adenohypophysis, bind to various target cells and elicit a wide variety of responses. Specific receptors for gonadotrophins have been found on plasma membranes of thecal, granulosa, luteal, endometrial and myometrial cells in the female and on Leydig and Sertoli cells in the Male. Gonadotrophins exert their effects through various intracellular second messengers and control biosyn...

bp0009rdr7 | (1) | REDR1986

Heterogeneous cell types in the corpus luteum of sheep, goats and cattle

O'Shea J. D.

Summary. Data on the structure, quantitation, origins and functions of the large luteal (LL) and small luteal (SL) cells of sheep, goats and cattle are reviewed. Both LL and SL cells show ultrastructural features consistent with a steroidogenic function. However, in addition to differences in size and shape, LL cells differ from SL cells primarily in possessing large numbers of secretory granules, suggesting an additional protein/polypeptide synthetic and secr...

bp0012cpr10 | Genetic Factors Influencing Prolificacy | CPR1985

Effectiveness of genetic selection for prolificacy in pigs

Bichard M. , David P. J. ,

Summary. This paper attempts to summarize and discuss the new evidence on the effectiveness of selection for prolificacy. In recent years selection between lines, and the adoption of formal cross-breeding programmes, have led to considerable improvements at a commercial level. Within-line selection has not been tackled seriously except in a few experiments. The mainly negative results from these should not lead to the conclusion that progress is impossibl...

bp0013cpr3 | The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis | CPR1989

Role of prolactin in the regulation of ovarian function in pigs

Dusza L. , Tilton J. E. ,

Keywords: prolactin; ovarian function; luteal cells; steroidogenesis; pig© 1990 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...