Searchable, peer-reviewed, open-access proceedings from bioscience and biomedical conferences

bp0001redr15 | (1) | REDR1980

Endocrine patterns of the post-partum cow

Lamming GE , Claire Wathes D , Peters AR

Summary. Milked dairy cows generally have a shorter post-partum interval to ovarian cyclicity than suckling dairy or beef cows. In milked and suckling cows, there is a strong seasonal influence with spring-calving cows remaining anoestrous longer. Increasing the suckling intensity further delays the onset of ovarian cyclicity, probably by increasing the frequency or strength of its inhibitory influence on hypothalamic activity. Plasma FSH levels rise in most c...

bp0004rdr8 | Neuroendocrine Relationships | REDR1998

Endocrine and reproductive responses of male and female cattle to agonists of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone

D’Occhio MJ , Aspden WJ

The pituitary response in cattle to treatment with GnRH agonist has two phases. In the acute phase secretion of LH is increased, while the chronic phase is characterized by a downregulation of GnRH receptors and insensitivity of gonadotrophs to natural sequence GnRH. After long-term treatment with GnRH agonist, cattle do not have pulsatile secretion of LH but maintain basal LH. This is associated with reduced pituitary contents of LH, LH mRNA, FSH and FSH mRNA. Long-term treat...

bp0005rdr29 | Nutrition-Reproduction Interactions | REDR2002

Fertility in male sheep: modulators of the acute effects of nutrition on the reproductive axis of male sheep

Blache D , Zhang S , Martin GB

Animals adjust the time of year that they reproduce through their ability to perceive and respond to critical aspects of their environment, such as photoperiod, nutrition or the socio–sexual milieu, and their genotype determines the degree of response to each stimulus. Ultimately, information from environmental cues filters through to the GnRH neurones in the brain which are the primary regulator of fertility. Each of these cues has been studied in isolation and the mech...

bp0006rdr8 | Nueroendocrinology | REDR2006

Nutritional inputs into the reproductive neuroendocrine control system - a multidimensional perspective

Blache D , Chagas LM , Martin GB

Evolution has shaped regulatory systems to improve the chance of reproductive success in a somewhat unpredictable environment. One of the more powerful regulators of reproductive function in both sexes is metabolic status, defined as the availability of nutrients and energy to the tissues. Here, we briefly review the basics of the relationship between metabolic status and the activity of the system that controls pulsatile GnRH and LH secretion. We then reflect on these relatio...

bp0007rdr6 | Ruminant Transcriptome | REDR2010

The noncoding genome: implications for ruminant reproductive biology

Tesfaye D , Hossain MM , Schellander K

Advances in the analyses of human and other higher eukaryotic genomes have disclosed a large fraction of the genetic material (ca 98%) which does not code for proteins. Major portion of this non-coding genome is in fact transcribed into an enormous repertoire of functional non coding RNA molecules (ncRNAs) rather than encoding any proteins. Recent fascinating and fast progress in bioinformatic, high-throughput sequencing and other biochemical approaches have fuelled rapid ...

bp0014cpr5 | Culture and Manipulation of Pig Oocytes and Embryos | CPR1993

Culture of pig embryos

Petters R. M. , Wells K. D. ,

Pig embryos can be cultured using a number of different strategies including complex approaches like culture in vivo in a surrogate oviduct (rabbit, sheep, mouse), culture in mouse oviducts in organ culture, and co-culture of embryos with cells in addition to simple approaches like culture in defined media or salt solutions. Addition of serum to medium has been of particular importance where blastocyst development and hatching are required. Pig conceptuses (day 1...

bp0014cpr10 | Conceptus-Uterine Interactions in Pigs | CPR1993

Studies of uterine secretions and products of primary cultures of endometrial cells in pigs

Davis D. L. , Blair R. M. ,

The uterus plays a central role in the reproductive biology of mammals. Adaptation of the uterus from an oviparous to a viviparous nature required changes that involved production of a uterine environment that could support the development of the embryo and fetus. Production of a suitable environment includes the synthesis and secretion of products by the uterine endometrium. However, the uterine endometrium is not a single homogeneous unit, but rather consists of several...

bp0015cpr10 | Embryonic and Fetal Development in The Pig | CPR1997

Regulation of conceptus development and attachment in pigs

Geisert R. D. , Yelich J. V. ,

Implantation/placentation in domestic pigs is preceded by synthesis ot oestrogen by the conceptus to maintain functional corpora lutea throughout pregnancy and a rapid morphological transformation of conceptuses from spherical to long filamentous thread-like structures. Initial conceptus expansion, reaching a metre in length, not only delineates the surface area for placental attachment, but also provides the mechanism for delivery of oestrogen to signal events necessary ...

bp0002rdr12 | Inhibin | REDR1990

Inhibin and secretion of FSH in oestrous cycles of cows and pigs

Taya K , Kaneko H , Watanabe G , Sasamoto S

Abstract unavailableKeywords: inhibin; oestradiol; cow; pig; FSH© 1991 Journals of Reproduction & Fertility Ltd...

bp0005rdr12 | Pre-natal Programming of Lifetime Productivity and Health | REDR2002

Gene expression in the developing embryo and fetus

Taylor J , Fairburn H , Beaujean N , Meehan R , Young L

Determining the stage- and tissue-specific patterns of gene expression shown by the embryo and fetus will provide information about the control of normal development. Identification of alterations in these patterns associated with specific abnormal phenotypes will also be informative regarding the underlying molecular mechanisms. In addition, qualitative and quantitative changes in gene expression that deviate from the norm may provide a potential marker system for predicting ...